Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Ripped - Update

As Lyssa would say...OMG! Week four was a killer! At some point I thought my heart was going to beat out of my chest! Last week was crazy, I was in Abilene, Austin, Temple, back in Austin, back in Temple so I'm going to do week four AGAIN.

This will be my last post about Ripped. Here's the 'skinny'...

I loved it!
I lost 5 lbs!
I feel more toned!
I wish I wouldn't have cheated on the meal plan!
I would do all over again!

Hope your workouts are going great. I'm about to go start my week 5.


  1. You go girl!!! Give me some tips!!!! I need to lose 10 lbs!!!! WOOHOO for you!!!

  2. Way to go Cassi--I'm just now working on Walk Away the Pounds and Couch to 5K, but hey, I gotta get back started somewhere! I'm so glad you are excited about your new move to Temple!
