My baby...
is not a baby anymore.
In fact, he is "this many"
(He finally mastered holding down his pinky with his thumb, proud moment for him)
When I first found out that I was pregnant with you, I just knew you were a girl. I was going to name you Izzy Pearl, and call you Pearl. I was in love with everything about having another girl...
Until I met you.
You left me no choice but to fall in love. So cuddly and perfect. I don't think I put you down the whole first week you were born, and maybe I still like to hold you (a lot)! I have enrolled you twice at a mothers day out program and each time we end up leaving...
together! Not because you don't want to stay, but because I CANNOT stand the thought of being away from you. You are my baby, what can I say.
You have quickly grown into an all-boy, football throwing, baseball hitting, sword swinging ninja. You keep us laughing. We are always so surprised at what comes out of your mouth. You make up your own jokes for crying out loud!
I'm so excited to celebrate your THIRD birthday...
I adore you.
Choose Love